Thursday, January 25, 2007


This random blog is output of some of my random thoughts.

Randomness, exists in everyone. The degree of randomness says about physiche of a person. Imagine this, you ask a person where is the next bus stop and he replies "Italy won the world cup!". What would be your reaction?

Randomness exists in every person you meet. Some of them have it less and some more. Some of them hate it. Some of them like it. From wikipedia definition says, "The word random is used to express lack of purpose, cause, order, or predictability in non-scientific parlance."

Isnt this a random definition? This definition lacks purpose, cause, order and is not predictable. Isnt random randomly defined?

Isnt everything you do, everyday random? You wake up at a random time, eat a random breakfast, go to a random place, do some random work, spend time randomly in evening and sleep at a random time. May be play some random game too ! Can you predetermine your future? Can you tell where, with whom you would be five years down the line? Isnt the previous question random? Isnt your answer to it random?

Randomness is not same as crazyness ! Crazyness can be thought as "ordered" randomness, or controlled randomness.

To some people randomness seems strange, to some it seems funny. The most interesting thing is that people start relating somethings to your random answers. My current orkut profile names me as " Vigerin Vagrin Venegerin". This means absolutely nothing. All the three words are not english nor in any language I know. I named myself as this when I started writting this blog. By now a lot of people have infered many things as to why this name was kept. Not even one thinks it to be a random name. Some of funny ones are present in my scrapbook.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Quals Treatment

Road to QE

( 5 Oct 2006) Registered for Quals
( 6 Oct 2006) Thats the second time we wash clothes in US
(10 Nov 2006) What is the syllabus this time?
(23 Nov 2006) We have run out of salt supplies on thanksgiving
(13 Dec 2006) Exams over ! lets start studying !
(13 Dec 2006) Got lots of work from advisor
(17 Dec 2006) Thats the third time we wash clothes in US
(21 Dec 2006) Last date to withdraw is gone
(23 Dec 2006) The work is over. Should start now atleast
(24 Dec 2006) 2 days complete movie watching
(25 Dec 2006) Celebrated christmas, we have run out of toilet paper in house
(27 Dec 2006) Got the information that Quals is on Jan 4th instead of Jan 7th. Lost 72 hours in an instant
(28 Dec 2006) Lets get the books out.
(30 Dec 2006) Reddy goes for trip, I stay back. Lets hit movies again
( 1 Jan 2007) Happy new year
( 2 Jan 2007) Padhai likhai se aajtak kuch hua hai kya ?
( 3 Jan 2007) Have to sleep early cause the exam is at 8 am in morning
( 4 Jan 2007) Gave quals, absolutely pissed, killed 3 pigs
( 5 Jan 2007) Post quals Trauma

From project Wifidump page

(from project wifidump page)


( 2 May, 2006) Version 1.0 up and working.
( 2 May, 2006) Who has screwed this news book??
( 1 May, 2006) Had a nice sleep in exam.
(30 Apr, 2006) We had a demo today.
(29 Apr, 2006) kernel panic, seg fault, blood level indicates high level of caffiene.
(28 Apr, 2006) Why is INFOCOM only for a week?
(27 Apr, 2006) Hey, I crashed my kernel by hostap driver! Yahoo !!!
(26 Apr, 2006) What is tcpdump??#$#!#%
(22 Apr, 2006) DIP exam passed.
(16 Apr, 2006) Where's the demo?
(15 Apr, 2006) The laptop had crashed 4381 times. We had put OS on it +1 times than that.
(10 Apr, 2006) Where is the group?
(21 Mar, 2006) Back from mid sem break.
( 5 Mar, 2006) Mid Term presentation. Plan successful, no mid sem exams.
( 3 Mar, 2006) There was a talk across mess table about a project in cs725.
(13 Feb, 2006) First project meeting. None turned up.
(21 Jan, 2006) Team formed.